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What i do with  my life

Hello people, my name is Rita, i´m 21 years old. I live with my mum Sílvia and my puppy Gucci, he´s kinda crazy but a good pup. I spent almost 15 yrs of my life in school and honestly i always loved school, never had a problem of not wanting to go or missing class. I´m bit awkward when it comes to social mettings and new people. I met my two best friends in my second year of seventh grade, i already knew Sara because we went to the same kindergarten but i´m a year older than her. Now about Diogo, my family already knew his and our mothers crossed paths once in hospital when we were both babies but that´s funny cause i don´t think they knew we were going to be like brothers 10 yrs later. I love my best friends even if we don´t talk regularly but when we see each other we do everything we can to feel like it´s last day on earth. I love football, formula E and Formula 1, i love my football team, i love my style of music cause is out of my age. I love learning about new countries and new languages, my favorites countries are U.K  and U.S.A which is normal cause i love English, one day i hope i can visit them and finaly met my friends Noah and Emma that i´ve had the opportunity to get to know them through social media. I also love watching old movies and series. My dream job was to become a police officer but unfortunately due to my height i couldn´t make my dream come true but since i´m very good at foreign languages i´m hoping that when i finish my degree i get the chance to have another degree in foreign languages.

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